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Simplicity in Jesus

Throughout my life, there has been a deep desire for simplicity.

I have heard the Holy Spirit's gentle whisper in my heart drawing me toward the source of simplicity,

and more recently, the Word of God has been illuminating Truth, opening my eyes to see the simplicity available to us in Jesus.

Three years ago, I felt the Lord drawing me to homeschool my children. There were many people who did not agree with our decision, but God was drawing me. My husband and I made the decision to start this new, terrifying adventure and I felt a freedom I hadn't felt in my life before. The freedom I felt was because we were doing exactly what Christ wanted us to do. He was at work in our family. I wasn't looking at everyone else and what they were doing. My view began to focus on Christ and His plan for our family. We were marching forward with new confidence and peace in the mission the Lord had given us.

It definitely tested me. Was I going to fear God or men?

Isaiah 26:3

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you."

This newfound confidence and peace in Christ propelled us forward into greater glimpses of what simplicity in Jesus looked like in our lives. So let me say, that although I could share what life looks like for my family and me, I think it would be more encouraging to share the principles God has shown me through his Word.

My Focus

I had to narrow my focus on Christ and what he was drawing us to do. This meant I would have to lay down other peoples' measuring sticks and instruction booklets and use the One True Instruction Booklet, The Word of God. I had to stop idolizing what people thought of my life and my life decisions. 

I owed Jesus my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.

As I delved into scripture, I began to learn more about his character and this helped establish my place in Him. I began to grasp what my identity truly was and is. I am his daughter. I have been saved from the penalty of sin and given abundant life now and forever more. I have been declared right with God my Father because of Jesus' perfect life exchanged for my own.

Why did and do these truths help to make my life more simplistic?

Because I am free to live a life with one focus: do everything I do for the Lord. HE is my audience and He is the one I look to for direction!

Colossians 3:23

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward and that the Master you are serving is Christ."

My Source

Seeking the Lord for direction meant he would need to be the first and foremost source I turned to. I needed to, and still need to, sit at His feet first. Simplicity is not necessarily a lighter schedule, a clutter-free home, a specific type of rhythm to our days, or an illness-free family, although all of these things can help make life feel a little easier.

Simplicity is Who my source of Life is!

Simplicity is having one Source who meets your deepest and greatest needs:

The Way, the Truth, and Life (John 14:6) The Living Water (John 4:14)

The Bread of Life (John 6:35)

A strength that never grows weary (Isaiah 40:31)

A Mediator (1Timothy 2:5)

A Faithful Friend

Jesus will never leave me. He does not change. When life's circumstances cloud my vision, he is the steady and sure way, the path beneath my feet that leads me into everlasting life. When life get confusing, he is the plumbline that provides soundness, stability, and structure. I can go to him when I thirst and hunger for more of the joy and peace only he can give. I can go to him when I am weary, and when I need someone to listen and lift the burdens I carry off my shoulders. I can go to him anytime. When I am happy or sad, no matter what, he is a faithful friend who rejoices in truth and weeps with those who weep.

His Purpose

Just recently, in my ladies' bible study group, we talked about the passage from Mark 8. The multitudes of people Jesus had been teaching all day were hungry, and Jesus looked at His disciples and asked, “How much bread do you have?” “Seven loaves,” they replied." 

The leader of our group said, often times Jesus is asking us to look at what we have so He can multiply and miraculously use it for His glory and our good! 

WOW! I need to look at what I have been given. I need to look at my time, the talents he's given me, my husband, my children, my relationships, my finances, etc, and take my eyes off everyone else. I need to listen and look at what God wants me to do in and through Him.

Simplicity in Jesus is about fixing our eyes on Him, in whom we live and have our being. Simplicity in Jesus is about living our life for Him, and yeilding to the transforming work He does in our hearts. Simplicity in Jesus is about trusting the Giver of Life with all the important questions of life. Simplicity in Jesus is about following his plan for your life, doing all you do for him, and trusting that He has what you need and will be faithful to provide it.



Meet Amy

Hello, my name is Amy. I am a wife and homeschooling mother to four energetic children. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and am passionate about digging into God's written Word and journaling my findings. I pray the Lord can use the words I write to encourage you.

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