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Look up, don't dismay

The other day I found myself unable to hold back tears. I began crying out to God. I was deeply moved by an article I had read about sex trafficking. I felt fear creep into my heart for my children growing up in a world filled with such atrocities. I felt saddness and anger for the children taken and sold into such darkness. I felt overwhelming gratitude for those fighting against such evil. I was crying out, "Lord what can I do to fight against such darkness? How, Lord, can I make an impact in the lives of those who are hurting? People who are suffering from sickness, depression, broken relationships, and loss? Lord, I'm afraid, help me not to fear!"

God is so good!

He hears our prayers and responds.

He reminded me of a scripture I had read and studied in my women's Bible study just this past week and the Truth of the Word helped cast out the fear that threatened to grip me.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am the Lord your God;

I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

Dismayed means to look around for help and to turn your eyes from.

God says, "I am the Lord your God..."

  • "I will strengthen"

Strengthen means to make strong (in the feet and mind) and to restore.

He makes our feet strong so we can walk and not grow weary, run and not faint; we are strengthened to walk the path He has us on. He makes our feet strong so we can bring the gospel of peace, the good news, to others.

He makes our minds strong because He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and power, and a sound mind. He strengthens our minds with Truth so we can get out of bed each morning and continue to fight the good fight of faith.

He strengthens His people because He is the God of compassion and knows our weaknesess. When we are weak, He is strong!

He brings restoration to the lives' of His people so others may see His beautiful handiwork and give glory to Him. He restores His people and commissions them carry the message of redemption and restoration to the world.

  • " I will help"

Help means to aid by surrounding and defending.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ as their one and only Savior, have already received the greatest aid ever needed. Christ's death on the cross paid the debt we owed God for our sin. He willingly received our punishment and experienced the anger of and seperation from God that we deserved. We are now clothed in His righteousness and accepted by God because of Christ!

And our gracious God continues to help us! He has surrounded us with His creation, provided us His written Word, and filled us with His Spirit. He surrounds us with His love and nothing can separate us from His love! He is our refuge and stronghold; He is our defense. If God is for us, who can be against us?!

  • "I will uphold"

Uphold means to hold fast and support.

God holds onto us! He supports us. He is our firm foundation; the Rock that holds us when the storms of life beat down and threaten to break us. He is the Living Water that nourishes our hearts and minds; the Living Water that supports, replenishes, and reproduces life within us so we can pour His abundance into others' lives.

"Fear not dismayed!" God is saying, Look at Me; I will, I will, I will! There will always be trouble and trials in this world. Darkness will always try to overcome light, but I AM greater! As you look at my astounding creation let it draw your eyes up to Me, your Creator. Fix your eyes on me, I AM everything you need and I WILL do what is best for your ultimate good and My glory.

Don't turn away...

Back to my question in prayer: "What can I do to fight against such darkness? How can I make an impact in the lives of those who are hurting?"

As I trust God and refuse to look to lesser things for salvation and ultimate satisfaction, my life will reflect Him!

As I fix my eyes on Him and rest my faith in Him alone, my life is filled with Him! He always has more of Himself to give! His resources are infinite! He shines in my heart, my mind, and my life. He brings Light to the darkness of this evil world through His people!

He is greater than any darkness!

You may be asking the same questions I have asked. Be encouraged! Don't look away from God to find the answers to the difficult dilemmas and aweful atrocities of this world. Look up first! Fix your eyes on the One who will strengthen, help, and uphold YOU so you can shine HIS light and restoration work to the people around you. Live, trusting in His faithful character and others will see a strength that is beyond human ability and a confidence that is not shaken by life's circumstances.

He desires to shine His light through His people! Fear not, don't be dismayed, because He is greater than darkness! He is God who knows every single one of His children by name. He is the help we personally need and He is the Light that will shine through us defeating the darkness that surrounds us. He will have victory in the lives of people and He will have ultimate victory over darkness and death!



Meet Amy

Hello, my name is Amy. I am a wife and homeschooling mother to four energetic children. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and am passionate about digging into God's written Word and journaling my findings. I pray the Lord can use the words I write to encourage you.

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